
Endacil, the Soulherd is a Primordial deity whose sphere of responsibilities encompasses the guidance of the dead through the cycle of reincarnation. His symbol is a shepherd's crook crossed with a scythe.


The authorities of Endacil's cult are called the Mortuary Priesthood. Due to their custodianship of funerary rituals of many cultures, they are very widespread, and at least one member can be found in nearly every settlement whose population has a significant portion following the Primordial Faith.


One of Endacil's pecularities compared to the other surviving Primordials is his complete lack of physical presence, even within his own Transcendent Realm, the Labyrinth Cycle. As such, for the purpose of interacting with the world beyond whispers to his faithful (or fellow Primordials), he uses proxies created for him by Iris out of the bodies of deceased dryads. Most of these proxies wander the world along with a procession of Mortuary Priests in order to collect the final farewells of the living to those who have died since the proxy's last visit. These final farewells are collected in the form of notes, bells, or other trinkets that the proxies are festooned with, so that they may deliver them to the intended recipients who are yet to be processed through the Cycle. Whenever a proxy passes through Viridian Vale, its keepers are presented with the most recent dryad remains for use as material to maintain the proxy's construction, since despite their divine nature, they do not self-maintain as true avatars do, as they only contain a sliver of divine essence comparable to that of a dragon.

Becoming a custodian of one of these proxies is one of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a member of the Mortuary Priesthood.

Endacil, the Soulherd

Root of Spirits

A proxy of Endacil. Illustration by Kresendoe.

Class Primordial
Transcendent Realm Labyrinth Cycle
Divine sigil A shepherd's crook crossed with a scythe.
Associated Auratic elements Light
Status Has no physical presence - requires proxies to interact with the world.