People of Loup

The People of Loup, also sometimes referred to as Loupites, or Proto-Fenrans, are the ancestors of the modern day Fenran species, and were the final major group of Miacid diaspora that left the Vul Empire behind prior to the point where the Miacids still remaining there would be considered vulpines instead. Much like their predecessors, the Followers of Fel, they were named for their leader, in this case, the one known as Loup.


Landfall in Dunieth

The Loup fleet made landfall on the western coast of what corresponds to the Chiwu-zhi heartland of the Nikosian Empire in modern times, considerably further north than the Followers of Fel did a long time prior, and settled a large part of that region, remaining that way for several centuries.

The Highland expansions

Eventually, the people of Loup would feel the need to expand their territory, and since by that time, they had run into the Kyaww-fel of the steppes to the south, the only way to expand was into the northern highlands, past the southernmost mountain range guarding the way into modern-day Kyaww-catar. Since the travel over these mountains to the more hospitable locales in the highlands was a long and arduous journey that was never taken lightly, a clear cultural divide began emerging in the following centuries, separating into the distinct population groups known as Loup Lowlanders, who had remained behind, and Loup Highlanders, who had ventured north.