Silvermint Clan
The Silvermint Clan is a forge kobold clan considered the third most influental kobold clan in Zairis, after the Bronzecaster and Tourmaline clans. They are considered powerful due to their custodianship of Silvermint Commercial Banking Solutions, the largest banking operation of post-coup Mithros.They maintained neutrality in the Coalition-Royalist conflict, and have prominent members on both sides.
On the top of the herarchy of the Silvermint Clan sits a single elder of its main branch, with a council of their fellow elders who advise, but defer to them. Under that, the clan is divided into several branches, each of which serves a different function within the clan's sphere of influence. The main branch is in charge of its foremost operation, the SCBS banking firm, which is the backbone of the clan's influence. Its own hierarchy is reminiscent of the Mithrosi noble houses, with a line of succession that goes through the entirety of the hundreds of members it has, and continuing beyond that into a seemingly random scattering of lesser branch members set to inherit the main branch's assets, should it be wiped out.