Copper dragon
Copper dragons are the spawn of Cuphre, the Copper Shard of Ardothun. They are a type of metallic dragons whose affinity for artifice is infamous among those who study dragons. They are most common in the Ascuphre Mountains as well as in major Mithrosi cities such as Cania or Masea. Their primary element is Thunder.
The physiology of copper dragons is notable for two things- they are the physically weakest of all true dragons, as well as the ones who possess the most dexterous front limbs. All dragons are capable of fine manipulation with their front limbs to some extent, but copper dragons possess manipulation capabilities at least on par with the average member of the 'civilized peoples'. This, combined with the best eyesight among dragonkind, makes copper dragons excellent artificers, and thus many copper dragons choose that path in life.
The Copper Dragonflight
The Copper Dragonflight is one of the few dragonflights who have deigned to parlay with the two-legs species. As such, they enjoy the status of being a protected class under the laws of the Coalition, which has made the slaying of copper dragons illegal. In return, many Coalition factories and laboratories employ copper dragons, which is a large factor in the technological superiority that facilitated its triumph over the Kingdom of Mithros in 10088 DC.
The Flightsmoot Speaker of the Copper Dragonflight is Gnoziāk, an ancient copper dragon credited with pioneering the development of non-auratic electrical systems.