Apex Citadel

The Apex Citadel is a floating island fortress above the city center of Paragon, the capital of the Empyrea region, the highest tier of the Thousand Eyries. Its spire is regarded as being the highest point in Zairis, at roughly 10.6 km above sea level.

At the highest point in Zairis, natural or artificial, it holds a high cultural and spiritual importance, especially to the Avian people. The lower echelon of the Citadel houses the headquarters of the Eyriewatch, the city guard of Paragon. The upper echelon houses lawmakers and high priests of the Blaze Caste government and the Firebird Cult.


Contemporary alterations

As of 10110 DC, the upper layer has been undergoing extensive remodeling and communications have gone silent, leaving the management of the city's day-to-day affairs to lower level Eyriewatch bureaucrats.