Alrik Kesja

Alrik 'the Bear-Skewerer' Kesja is the demigod chieftain of the Spear Clan and joint ruler of the town of Sea's End in Frysgard, forming a duumvirate with Patrek Sharktooth, chieftain of the Oar Clan.


Early life

Alrik was born in the early winter of 4331 DC in Jagastad, a farm close to the founding site of Sea's End to parents Ander Kesja, then-chieftain of the Spear Clan, and his wife, Ida. However, following Ander and Ida's death at the hands of Bloodmaw Clan raiders when Alrik was 3 years old, he was raised by Gvent Kesja, Ander's younger brother.

In his teenage years, he was instructed in the skills of hunting and clan management, as he was intended to inherit the mantle of chieftain as soon as he was to come of age, while Gvent held the position temporarily.

During a diplomatic meeting with the Oar Clan in Fiskerod, the Oar Clan ancestral home, he met Patrek Airo, the Oar chieftain's son, and the two developed a heated, but ultimately friendly rivalry.