Sakon of the Emerald Line

Sakon of the Emerald Line (9704-7930 DC) was the first Emerald Emperor, and the youngest son of First Emperor Nikos of the Nikosian Empire.


Sakon was born in 7904 to Nikos I and his Third Empress-Consort, and was chosen from birth to lead the Emerald line of the Empire.

As he came of age, he immediately enrolled in the Imperial Academy of War and excelled both as a student as an officer graduate in the military after being deployed to Kyaww-catar to fight in the Whitescarf Wars. There, his brilliant career was cut short by a Whitescarf ambush unit who buried him and his retinue in an avalanche in 7930.

Fortunately for the Emerald line, he had conceived a son several months prior to his demise, who was born in the following year.