Gold dragon
Gold dragon, the spawn of Sengiel, are a kind of metallic dragons that favors arid habitats. Possessing golden, radiant scales, and a graceful build, gold dragons are revered by chroniclers as the most beautiful of all dragons.
Gold dragons are the vainest of dragonkind, and favor minions who heap praise upon their master. This often leads them to construct their inner circles of yes-men, who most of the time, fail to contribute their insight to battle plans, instead praising their master's cunning. Many a gold dragon has fallen victim to the habit of failing to obtain second opinions on their strategies.
The Gold Dragonflight
Gold dragons fancy themselves the leaders of all dragonkind, and thus, the gold Dragonflight's speaker at the Flightsmoot (currently Qa Sol), will always attempt to assert their influence on the rest of the speakers, with means such as attempting to lead discourse, appointing themselves as arbitrators, etc., with varying degrees of success. Despite her unpopularity among her fellow gold dragons, Qa Sol is kept on as the Speaker due to her status as the only non-Shard dragon deity, demonstrating obvious superiority over the other dragonflights.
In Sengiel's absence, the de facto leader of the Gold Dragonflight is Chryseios the Immaculate, the eldest of Sengiel's first brood.