
Dreamcrawlers (also called Oneirophages) are magical beasts that are not uncommon in regions like Blackwood and Darkfallow.


Dreamcrawlers are small (on average 30-80 cm long), vaguely insectoid creatures with six spindly legs and thick, oily, black fur, along with four eyes and sharp fangs, aligned with the Darkness element.

They are obligate carnivores, who hunt by making eye contact with their prey and hypnotizing it, inducing sleep, after which the prey is eaten alive.

Their lifespan ranges form 4 to 8 years.


The name of 'oneirophage' is derived from the folkloric belief that it nourished itself primarily from its prey's dreams. It is said that having pleasand dreams makes one taste bad to it.


Lifespan 4-8 years
Conservation status Least concern
Average size 30-80 cm
Intelligence Fairly high
Auratic elements Darkness