Red dragon

Red dragons are a type of chromatic dragons spawned by Rhūiz, the Red Shard of Ardothun. They breathe fire, favor mountainous lairs, especially volcanic ones, and are the most vicious and reviled of dragonkind both from reputation and stories.


Red dragons are large and physically imposing, even by the standards of dragonkind in general, rivaled only by brown and iron dragons.Their back and limb scales are large and elongated, taking on a spiny appearance, which makes their silhouette that much more intimidating.

The Red Dragonflight

The Red Dragonflight is one of the nine flights represented at the Flightsmoot, although currently the role of its Speaker, Rohirus, has been reduced to that of a silent observer in accordance to the sanctions placed on the Red Dragonflight due to the actions of its de facto leader, Mordurus, in promoting the genocide of silver dragons.


Like their counterparts of each other color, the red dragons are descended from a Shard of Ardothun. Rhūiz and Mith, the Silver Shard, were immediately at each other's throats due to disagreeing with each other at nearly every junction during the Shards' earliest days. When the shards parted ways, the two left on the worst terms of any pairing of two shards. Since the formation of the dragonflights proper, their descendants have clashed numerous times, coming to a head in the First Red-Silver War, wher the two deities met their mutual destruction at each other's hands.

Since then, the Red Dragonflight has held a burning hatred for the Silver Dragonflight, egged on by Mordurus, who was one of Rhūiz' lieutenants in the first war, leading to the Second Red-Silver War, in which they would crush their unready enemies, and culminating in the Silver Dragonflight genocide, hunting the Second War's survivors and their descendants to near-extinction.