Draconic Calendar

The Draconic Calendar is the calendar used in most of Zairis. It is named for its start point at Ardothun's death and the emergence of the Shards.


A year is divided into twelve months, or moons, due to each month's effect present during full mooon as the result of the Kami in the Moon's chaotic influence.

No. Name Associated full moon effect
01 Moon of Void The moon disappears
02 Moon of Air Winds blow more stronglyl
03 Moon of Water Tides are more extreme
04 Moon of Earth A light meteor shower
05 Moon of Grass The earth is more fertile
06 Moon of Light The moon shines as brightly as the sun
07 Moon of Fire The moon is cloaked in flame
08 Moon of Thunder Extreme lighting storm
09 Mon of Metal Magnetism effects are intensified
10 Moon of Blood Animal tissue spontaneously regenerates
11 Moon of Ice Flash freeze
12 Moon of Darkness The moon ceases to reflect light