Countercasting is a fringe discipline specialization based on nullifying spells or preventing them from being cast to begin with. Practitioners who are Aura blank have a particular affinity with this type of magic.
Types of countermagic
Antimagic refers to the method of countercasting that prevents magic from working in some way. This can be achieved by enchanting a target to be resistant or immune to magic, or by creating a field of antimagic that covers an area with such an effect.
Dispelling is the act of removing a magical effect from a target after the fact.
To drain a spell means to nullify a target spell as it is being cast and appropriating the aura expended by the original caster for oneself.
Hard counter
Hard countering a spell is to quash a spell from an enemy practitioner as it is being cast, in most cases nullifying it.
Redirecting a spell is to change the target of a spell, often to steal a beneficial effect of a spell cast by an adversary to benefit oneself or an ally.
Reflecting a spell is to turn the harmful effects of a spell cast by an enemy practitioner against them.